Frequently Asked Questions

NVP is a veterinary practice acquisition and partnership firm based in Western Canada. We specialize in partnering with veterinary practices to enhance their growth, sustainability, and success.

NVP stands out for its commitment to celebrating the individuality of each practice. We believe in customized partnership structures that preserve the unique identity and values of practices while fostering growth and financial success.

We are interested in partnering with practices that have 2-3+ veterinarians, a strong support team, and a positive reputation within their community. We seek practice owners who are passionate about their work but are looking to reduce the burdens of ownership.

Once both parties determine that a partnership is a good fit, NVP prepares an offer to acquire a percentage of the business (typically 60-100%). Terms are agreed upon, legal formalities are addressed, and the practice owner retains ownership and entitlement to profits. It is expected that the process will take 90-120 days to complete once initial terms are agreed upon.

 Yes, as we build our network, we are committed to launching an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) or some form of profit-sharing with all team members. This ensures that everyone in the practice has a vested interest in its success.

 NVP takes a long-term approach to partnership, aiming for stability and growth over 5, 10, and 20 years. Unlike short-term focused acquisitions, our goal is to build lasting relationships and communities within the veterinary profession.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Contact Northern Vet Partners

To learn more about Northern Vet Partners partnership opportunities or careers, please contact us.

Phone: 604-902-8232